Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lovely childhood’s story

Kasih yang tidak bersyarat…

Allah swt memberi tanpa kita pinta…
Walaupun kita alpha dan leka peranan sebagai Hamba,
Namun Allah tetap terus memberi…
Kita terkadang tidak nampak nikmat yang Allah swt kurniakan kerana terlalu banyaknya nikmat yang diberikan ibarat kita melihat matahari di siang hari…
Kita tidak nampak bulatnya matahari kerana terlalu kuatnya cahayaNya…

Itulah kasih Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang…

5.53 p.m. 3 April 1991 years ago. With His Kindness and Courtesy, a cute little gnomish childhood story is created.

Do you want to know the story?

Yeah, recently I always want to story to everyone else. But bare in minds, I just story in this column of virtual place. So nobody else will know. keh keh keh.

Living the whole life as child in the setinggan’s house since were baby, never let me down. Even though is like a poor place but the surrounding had carved a though memory to forget.

When I’m was about to reach 7 years old, I have a cousin, (cousin like sister) older than me of course…

I carry on her bicycle, berebut with my brothers. That time, me only had three brother, others were not born yet. So they never know the hardship we had through all this long.

Glad for them.

Then, something unexpected happens, when we all on the way on the road, I’m quite menggelabah actually when in front there had a car in the opposite direction, and I…

Accidentally turn the handle down towards the drain, and me falling towards the edge of the drain.

Poor for me, my head were bleeding tremendously and keep bleeding.

And everybody seem like shocked and panics. I were rushed to the hospital.

Yeah, it had carved a scar that never cure. Since the day, my relationship with my cousin were became odd. She trying to get ranged from me and feel very burdened.

I’ll never blame her. And after all about, it is all my mistakes actually. I’m the one who want to ride the bicycle.

So the film of story keep rolling until now…

And this scar is just like a gift. A stamp of me.

3 April 2012, my family have become better from day to day, week to week, and gradually year by year. Thanks to Allah for all His Bless that never stop, bringing every tears and smile to the whole life. It is such great happiness when we are all living in a big happy family.


p/s: keh keh keh.


  1. salam alayk~ bercampur aduk bahasa,, btw lately ni post in english nak upgrade bahasa itukah ?? bguish2.. usaha yang baik,,
    p/s: nice sharing even "kelakar" btw indeed experience is the best teacher.. jadikan diri lebih strong tok hadapi hari2 seterusnya.. wallahualam.,barakallahufik

  2. waalaikumussalam.. haa.. sy da tau da siape tanpa nama nih.. keh keh keh.. campur2 tu sebab tak tau word yg sesuai.. but at least we try.. kan.. saje nak menyembunyikan maksud dan perasaan di sebalik perkataan... bahase ape2 pun, asalkan org mengerti... =)

  3. nice. :)
    yg mana satu Ibnu Darwin?

  4. LEARN from yesterday LIVE for today HOPE for tomorrow (:

  5. @isteri khalifah uthman: ha? ce teka ce teka.. huhuhu

    @syahidatul atiqah: =))
